Foreign Ministers Summit


1. Preventing Conflict and Promoting Stability in Fragile States

A state’s stability is an essential factor contributing to the general well-being of its citizens. Stability is influenced by several critical factors, including but not limited to control of the state territory, monopoly on the legitimate use of force, authority in decision making and provision of public services. Fragile states often suffer from corruption, lack of citizen’s support for the government, economic decline and internal conflicts. The Fragile States Index 2023, published by Fund For Peace, rates state stability from „very sustainable“ to „very high alert“. 55 states are listed under high warning, alert, high alert and very high alert. Only 65 countries worldwide are considered stable or better.

Fragile states can threaten their citizens and international security, as internal conflicts might affect neighbouring states and a state’s international relations. Promoting state stability, therefore, is paramount to reducing global tensions. Several UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) directly or indirectly address state stability. The task of delegates of the Foreign Ministers Summit at MainMUN will be to find common ground on measures to prevent conflicts and promote state stability around the globe. Delegates will face the difficult task of debating this important issue while also having to react to numerous crisis events that might affect the international community during the conference. Be aware that topics of debate in the Foreign Ministers Summit can shift quickly as a crisis unfolds. Careful preparation and an excellent general knowledge of international can help you in your discussions.


Gregor Beck, Phil Kievel, Pranav Keshavan

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