
The Main Model United Nations Foundation e.V. (MainMUN Foundation e.V.) was founded by MainMUN alumni in June of 2015.

MainMUN is a student project at the Goethe University in Frankfurt which simulates the United Nations as well as other international organisations for high school and university students. Participants of the conference have the opportunity to learn about the mentioned organisations and their structures and proceedings as well as strengthen their interest in in international politics. 

Our Mission

The MainMUN e.V. made it its mission to connect team members of the past and present of the MainMUN conference. We are supporting the student members of the MainMUN team in their work organizing the annual conference and plan several interesting events all about the United Nations and international politics. 

The Excecutive Board

Have Any Questions?

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the MainMUN Foundation. For questions about the MainMUN 2025 conference, please contact the MainMUN 2025 team. 

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