
MainMUN 2025 Locations

Foyer of the Casino building: 
Opening Ceremony
Delegation Meetings
Coffee Breaks
Reception on Thursday
Closing Ceremony

Committee rooms:
General Assemby & Opening/Closing Cerenomies: Casino 0.823
CSW: Casino 1.801
African Union: Casino 1.811
NATO: Casino 1.812i
Security Council: IG 3.14
NGO: IG 1.418
Press: IG 1.411
Human Rights Council: NG 2.731

How to reach us at the Westend Campus

We recommend to download either the „DB Navigator“ App or the „RMV Go“ App to look up connections in Frankfurt.

ATTENTION: Underground station „Westend“ is NOT close to the campus. To get to the Westend campus via Underground you can get off „Holzhausenstraße“ or „Miquel-/Adickesallee“. 

Underground (U) and suburban (S) rail

  • Frankfurt Central Station: S1 – S9 train via Taunusanlage -> Hauptwache -> U1, U2, U3, U8 train via Eschenheimer Tor and Grüneburgweg -> Holzhausenstraße or Miquel-/Adickesallee
  • Frankfurt Airport: S8, S9 train via Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof and Taunusanlage -> Hauptwache -> U1, U2, U3, U8 train via Eschenheimer Tor and Grüneburgweg ->Holzhausenstraße or Miquel-/Adickesallee

By bus

  • No. 36 bus to Uni Campus Westend (IG Farben Building) from Westbahnhof (via Bockenheim Campus) or Sachsenhausen Hainer Weg
  • No. 64 bus to Bremer Platz (IG Farben Building) or Bremer Straße (Gisèle-Freund-Platz) from Hauptbahnhof Südseite in the direction of Ginnheim
  • No. 75 bus from Bockenheimer Warte to Max-Horkheimer-Straße (Seminar Building, PEG Building, ExNO)
  • No. 32 bus from Westbahnhof or Ostbahnhof to Miquel-/Hansaallee (Seminar Pavilion)


  • Use the address ″Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 1“ (formerly Grüneburgplatz 1)

Friday Socializing: IG-Farben-Haus/Rotunda at Campus Westend

IG-Farben-Haus/Rotunda at Campus Westend

Grüneburgweg 1
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Easiest route: You can reach this location via bus or Underground  “Holzhausenstraße” (U1,2,3,8).

Saturday Delegates Dance: Blasky Hotel & Rooftop

Blasky Hotel & Rooftop

Ziegelhüttenweg 43, 60598 Frankfurt am Main

Easiest route: You can reach the venue by taking the U1,U2,U3,U8 subway from Holzhausenstraße to Frankfurt Süd. From there it is a 10-minute walk.

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